
Unitechnologies is a supplier of production equipment for high precision assembly and integrator for robotised screening, laboratory and living cells handling automation. Solutions for the pharmaceutical industry have been developed for several years, delivering custom-designed systems and turn-key machines to the largest players in the field. GMP rules and methods are respected when dealing with such applications.
These systems include functions such as: micro well plates handling, fluid handling, pipetting and dosing, thermal processes, living cells detection, living cells handling, precision laser processing (joining, machining, cleaning, marking, etc.).
Moreover, Unitechnologies was involved in delivering turn-key industrial equipment with features closely related to the Artivasc project, namely:
- New processes automation and integration
- Liquid and fluids handling
- Data management (flow, databases, communication, log files, ... )
- Industrial processes (e.g.: pharmaceutical, biomedical applications) involving several days (e.g.: from three to 60 days) as cycle time
- Medical products processing, assembly and handling respecting the final environment use (e.g.: inside the human body, outside the human body, ...)
- European project on FP6 (CellPROM) where Unitechnologies automation proficiency was demonstrated inside a living cells handling process